Interested in making long-term plans to make a long-lasting impact? The Memphis Library Foundation would be honored to partner with you. Planned gifts, which have tax benefits, allow your legacy of support for the Memphis Library Foundation to continue.
A few options to consider:
- Earmark a specific amount or percentage of your estate as a gift through your will or trust.
- Name the Memphis Library Foundation as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
- Donate part or all of an IRA or retirement plan account.
- Make a gift of Appreciated Securities to the Memphis Library Foundation
- Designate your bequest as an endowment that will support the Memphis Library Foundation on an annual or ongoing basis.
Please contact your financial advisor or estate planning attorney for specific guidance on how best to include the Memphis Library Foundation in your estate plans. If you have already made a provision for us in your will or through any of the options listed above, please let us know by calling 901-415-2700.