Free library programming exists due to the generosity of private and corporate donors. Your generosity helps to better meet the needs of each of the 18 Memphis Public Library branches and the neighborhoods those branches serve.
Make a greater impact with your monthly sustaining gift to support the Library day in and day out. When you become a monthly donor, you join our giving circle of Memphis Innovators. Become an Innovator by setting up your monthly gift here.
Make your one-time gift online here. It’s quick, easy, and secure.
Contact us at 901.636.7552 to find out more ways to give. Or, send a donation to 3030 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38111.
When you give in someone’s honor or memory, you are exhibiting a great act of kindness. We send the family an acknowledgment of the gift. Click here to designate your gift, and be sure to include contact information for gift acknowledgment.
Leave a long-lasting legacy through a planned gift. Call us a 901.415.2831 to discuss how to make an impact through planned giving.
To sponsor library programs, please call 901.415.2831. An MLF staff member can discuss sponsorship opportunities with you and offer flexibility for your generous gift.
The Memphis Library Foundation is an approved Kroger Community Rewards organization. A percentage of your Kroger purchase will help support the libraries every time you shop at no cost to you. Visit and choose Memphis Library Foundation (Organization #NM451) to enroll.
Donors who give regularly to Memphis Library Foundation are called the Memphis Innovators. Learn more about the Innovators here.
Interested in making long-term plans to make a long-lasting impact? The Memphis Library Foundation would be honored to partner with you. Planned gifts, which have tax benefits, allow your legacy of support for the Memphis Library Foundation to continue.
A few options to consider:
Please contact your financial advisor or estate planning attorney for specific guidance on how best to include the Memphis Library Foundation in your estate plans. If you have already made a provision for us in your will or through any of the options listed above, please let us know by calling 901-415-2700.
Don’t see what you have in mind? Contact us at 901-636-7552.
Tax ID: 62-1590768
Legal name: Memphis Library Foundation
Legal address: 3030 Poplar Avenue 3rd Floor Memphis, TN 38111